The Santa Casa de Cura Padrinho Manoel Corrente is a place of reception and caring, linked to the health and healing sector of Iceflu and the health management of the Residents' Association.


In order to give the institution a legal profile, the Associação Amigos da Santa Casa de Cura – Céu do Mapiá was created at the end of 2019, a non-profit organization that manages the financial part and opens up to interact with other institutions and activities. . This enables the development of several projects that are already taking place linked to Santa Casa and in partnership with other sectors of the community.

The Board of Directors of the Association is thus constituted

Board of Directors

President – Clara Shinobu Iura
Vice President - Yara Peres
Treasurer – Isabel Facchini Barsé

Fiscal Council

Marcos Vicente trench
José Raimundo Corrente da Silva
Thiago Dozzo Gonçalves